Mortgage Loan versus Investment Loan

If you are buying the home you currently live in, most likely you are paying a mortgage for the loan you took out when you bought the home. The type of loan that borrowers obtain when they are buying their primary home is called a mortgage. However, when borrowers wish to make a loan for a second home, a non-primary residence, the loan will probably be the form of an investment loan not a mortgage.

Owner occupied debt is the differentiating feature between a mortgage and an investment loan. Often investment debt allows minimal repayment amounts, for instance interest only payments. Owner occupied debt payments are made in an amount adequate to amortize the loan over a period of 30 years (generally). If you are considering purchasing property that you would consider investment property, it is very wise to discuss your plans with a financial planner or an accountant to assure that your intent will result in investment rather than personal use categorization of your financing.

Investments loans can be made for various reasons, not just as a loan to help a borrower buy an investment property. Investment loans may be obtained temporarily while the borrower is in the process of selling another property they own, commercial or industrial real estate loans and while the borrower’s investment property is being built (apartments, offices, hotels etc.). Borrowers who get a mortgage can get a construction loan but it only applies to the personal residence in which the borrower intends to live.

It may sound a bit confusing, but it really isn’t. Mortgages are for personal homes that the borrower will reside in; investment loans are for those who do not intend to reside at the premise that is the subject of the loan.

When considering an investment loan, there are many ways to go about finding financing. However, rather than spend a lot of time and energy pounding the pavement or thumbing through the phone book, why not go online and shop for your investment loan there? Online you will find a multitude of investment loan lenders and brokers eager to assist you in finding the perfect loan for your particular situation.

If you are fairly "financing savvy" you may already know exactly what type of investment loan you want, at what rate and for what term. You may even already know what rate of return to expect from your investment. If so, shop for the lenders that can lend you exactly what you need. The lending industry is quite competitive currently so be sure and shop around before settling on a lender to be sure you get the best possible deal.

If you are not well versed in investment type loans, it is highly recommended that you utilize the services of an investment loan broker. Your broker will not only search for the best loan for your needs but they will be a liaison between the borrower and lender to assure that the whole application process flows smoothly and quickly.
My Choice Finance is a mortgage broker company providing cheap home loan at a very competitive rate. Whether you are a investor looking for investment loan or first home buyer, you should speak with one of our consultants first for free advice. Contact us today for the best investment loan and home loan today!
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