Viral Video: Jared Leto As Kurt Cobain Performing “Pennyroyal Tea”

It was about the same time somewhere in the ’90s when I simltaneously pined for both Jordan Catalano and Kurt Cobain, and now there’s a video of Jordan Catalano dressed up as Cobain while performing Nirvana songs “Pennyroyal Tea” and “Rape Me.”

Leto uploaded this video in honor of the anniversary of Cobain’s death, which was this past Tuesday. He wrote: “Not sure I’d be doing this if it weren’t for him… This made me recall a short piece of film I shot when I heard they were making a film celebrating his life. I made it to explore the character and explore the creative possibilities. I never sent it to the studio or to anyone but thought I’d share it now.”

The circle of my teen dream is now complete.

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